Tuesday, 23 November 2010

On the beach in Autumn!

On Saturday morning my family and I went to the beach, on the way we picked up our friend Nicholas.

When we got to the beach we played football, the score was 0-0.
Afterwards it took ages to build a city.

We dug two holes and thought that we could make a tunnel.
Then we had lunch(we had rolls).
 It was lots of fun!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Passport to India

Since the 5th of October we have been raising money for children to attend Bible Clubs in India. We've been following the Passport to India project by Mission India and Sonlight.

There were lots of photos and story's of people who have become Christians.
here are some of the photos:

The guys wanted to get a 'time lapse' shot of me.  Basically, I had to stand as still as a statue for 5 minutes while the traffic and people buzzed past me.  The shot turned out really cool, and you can see it in the video trailer.  But part way through this shot, something really funny happened - and you'll have to wait for the special 'extras' episode on November 19 to see that!
This is Chris the, guy who went to India.
A kurta is what Chris is wearing.

In India  Christians are persecuted for their religion and kicked out of their village for their beliefs.
90% of the people in India are Hindu.  
About 40% of the people on earth live in India 

            God is working in the hearts of the people in India.

I am very proud to be part of this project and am so happy to help other children learn about Jesus.

My prayer for the children of India is that they would tell their parents and everyone about the good news about Jesus from a young age.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Cloud Ride

This is my latest poem:

When I fall asleep
I feel like my bed
is a cold fluffy cloud
flying over the city.

In the air I am blown
by the breeze,
I am watching the world
and everything in it.

I fly over schools
and children all look at me.
Adults are busy working,
doing everyday jobs.

Suddenly my cloud tips downward,
going as fast as a rocket.
I'm fighting against gravity,
fighting against waking up.

By Ryan van roon-Gifford    

Friday, 5 November 2010

Chaos shopping

Yesterday my family and I went Lidl's. It is the first time the store has opened in Cyprus. It was chaos!

When we got there we first took a photo of ourselves infront of the store.

Infront of the store with my Mom, Ethan and Aimee
There were so many people that we couldn't even find a trolley. We had to carry all our stuff. We passed a TV camera-man on our way into the store. We walked through the store, looking at everything they had to sell.

We bought:
Chocolate mousses (which were only 20c each!)
Booster seats for Ethan and Aimee
Hot chocolate powder
Two slabs of dark chocolate
Two bottles of lemon juice
Three boxes of All Bran Flakes

We waited over half an hour in a que to pay (which was about 25m long!) and finally it was our turn to pay. When we left the store they gave us each a rose.

Mom asked me to check if there was any food left, and I found they were giving away free food and drinks. We ate a sheftalia, a chicken wing and a sausage. I had some Cola (fake Coke), which tasted like Coke. The food tasted nicer than it looked in the store!

I am surprised that Lidl's sells so many cheap things and the quality looks quite good. Its the busiest shop I've been to!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Homemade Graphs

Last week I was learning about bar graphs. My mom had an idea that we should do one of our own graphs, so she asked some friends on Facebook to take part in a survey. We asked what  kind of transport is used to deliver post in different countries, and also what people's favourite seasons are.

My brother and I then made bar graphs to show the results of the surveys.

We sorted the responses into groups and, using tally marks, worked how many were in each group.

Here is the first survey. The question was: How is post delivered to your home?

Tally marks to show our findings

Our findings in a bar graph
It was very interesting to see how people get their post delivered. PO Box was used by friends who don't get post delivered to their house.

The second survey question was: What is your favourite season?
(Where someone chose 2 seasons, we counted the first one they mentioned)

Tallying up the favourite seasons

The final results in a bar graph.

It was interesting that most of the people who like winter live in countries where it gets very hot during the summer. People who like summer generally live in colder places, like the UK and Canada.

It was quite fun doing this because we were learning about bar graphs and I got to make some of my own.