Monday, 10 September 2012

Holiday in the Eastern Cape


We left for the Eastern Cape on Tuesday at about midday. We drove for about 45 minutes, then stopped in Wilderness for lunch. 30 minutes later we were on the road to Jeffrey's bay*. At 4:00pm we stopped in Jeffrey's Bay mall to see old friends from Dubai -she owns a photo stuido. We went to a coffee shop and had something to drink together, I had a strawberry milkshake. We also watched the proteas play India. We said good bye and went to one our Oupa's * friend's house to spend the night. We had pasta and boerewors for dinner.

·=1. Jeffrey's bay is a town in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
·2. Oupa is Afrikaans for Grandpa


We woke up early and had eggs,banana,apple and milk(I did not have any milk(I hate it!).)  
We hit the road for Port Elizabeth/Port Alfred/East London/ Butterworth at about 8:30am. At about midday we stopped in port Alfred to see one of my Mom’s colleagues from Butterworth, then went to Pick 'n Pay to get some lunch (cheese, cucumber, chutney rolls and pears).
We arrived in Butterworth at 4pm and were treated to a spicy curry(very spicy!).


We just chilled and took it easy. In the late afternoon one of Anthea's ex-students/close friend(Melissa) came to spend the weekend in Butterworth.


The Olympic ceremony was on that night. Jed, my Dad and I had a nap. At 9:30pm the ceremony started, it was sooo good! The theme was England in the 18 century . It was funny because they put Mr bean in it, he was playing the piano in the song '' chariots of fire ''. When the England team came out the Queen was picking her nails while every body was standing up and clapping! Caster Semenya was carrying the SA flag. Each country had a cone like piece of steel that went on the Olympic flame, lots of poles with the cone like piece of steel to represent all the countries. The Olympic circles represent the continents (Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Europe).


We played football and watched TV while my Mom and Anthea went to the shops to buy food for the braai the next day.


The church we went to was called Beulah Land, which is the same name as the school. The church was at a panel beater and held in the garage. Dad preached about the life of Joseph. When we got home Mark-Anthony was cooking the meat on the braai. We had pork chops, boerewors, lamb chops, potato salad, baked beans and mayonnaise salad, mielie pap and chakalaka. Tony put lambs liver on the braai and covered it with fat and we ate it off the braai with our hands. For pudding we had Ultramel Custard with peach halves. The meat was nicely braaied and I enjoyed the salads. The Ultramel was quite nice with the peach halves – nice and sweet. I even drank some of the sweet juice that was in the tin of peaches. It was sickly sweet but it was really nice with the Ultramel. In the evening Melissa’s friend, Calvin, came to pick her up. They both wrote in my autograph book (and Jeds!) before we said goodbye.


On Monday morning we went to ‘town’ with Anthea. I bought some light luminous yellow shoelaces from a guy who was selling shoes and laces, etc. on the sidewalk. Mom bought me a dark blue fleece jacket from Pep Stores that I only got on my birthday. Then we walked to Spargs, a shop that has two levels. On the bottom floor they sell food and on the top floor they sell clothes and houseware. I bought a pair of football socks and Aimee bought me another pair for my birthday. I also bought a chocolate milkshake downstairs. The people were friendly. Most of the people tried to bargain with us and sell us stuff. Because white people are quite scarce in town, I think people assumed we were rich and would buy their goods.

A few hours later, we took a picnic to the Dam with Mark-Anthony and Anthea. The dam is about a 5 minute walk from their house. We had ‘Bunny Chow’ for lunch. A bunny chow is when you take a loaf of bread and cut it into three pieces, hollow them out and put fill it with some curry. Sprinkle grated carrot and sliced onion on top then dip the bread filling into it. You then eat the bread and curry together, it was one of the best spicy meals I have every eaten!



One of the ladies that work for the Addisons runs the school ‘tuck shop’. Jed and I bought an éclair sweet and a lollipop each. I played football with some of the 4-5 year old schoolboys during their school break. They were so cute! They tried to tackle me and I just dribbled the ball around and they were laughing. They enjoyed it and so did I! That night mom and dad went out with the Addisons for dinner at a local hotel. Ethan, Aimee, Jed and I had hamburgers for dinner with home-made 1000-island sauce (mayonnaise and ketchup combo). Tara-Lee and the church singers had a worship practice while Jed and I watched some TV.


We left Butterworth at about 10am. It was a little sad having to say goodbye to the Addisons again. Money can’t buy the kind of holiday we had in Butterworth! We had a lovely experience! We then headed for East London. When we got to East London we stopped at Hemmingways Mall to have a look around. We bought some rolls, chutney and cheese and had that for lunch in the car on the way to Onke’s house. Onke was at work but Hlehle and Lee were at home. Lee was sleeping and Niz was at school. We spent the afternoon with Hlehle and Lee before going to Christmas Rock. We stayed at a little holiday house near the beach and we rented it from a middle-aged couple who work in Umtata. Onke and Hlehle visited us after 7pm to have supper and say ‘hello’.


We picked up Hlehle and went to Vincent Park Mall to look what movies would be showing on Friday. Jed and I wanted to watch ‘Ice Age 4’ or ‘Madagascar 3’ on our birthday, but they both finished that night and wouldn’t be showing the next day. We fetched Onke from work and went to KFC for lunch. It was quite a nice experience! The chicken was really nice and it was a big treat! We took Onke back to work and drove to the Oriental Plaza to buy some Indian spices and to look around. It felt a lot like being in Karama in Dubai where there are lots of little stores. We went back to Onke’s apartment to pick up Niz and Lee and took them back with us to Christmas Rock. We went to play with them in the park and there were some children that live in Christmas Rock playing there too. We joined in the game they were playing; it was like dodge ball played with a rugby ball. They invited us to youth the next night.

Playing in the park with our new friends

We got up quite early to watch Marley and me.
It was Jed and my birthday, and as is it tradition to have a special breakfast­ we had chocolate cereal for breakfast. When we opened the presents, I got some football socks and a jacket (the jacket my mom bought in Butterworth at PEP), a hammer, a book from Nana and a card with money, a book from Jed and a gift voucher from Mom and Dad for a Bible and a recipe book.
At around about 10am we fetched Hlehle and went with her to the mini putt-putt course near the Beacon Bay mall. When Jed had his first shot he hit the ball into the water and we had to pay an extra R5-00 for a new ball. We don’t know who won, but Dad got a whole-in-one at the 10th hole and won a free game.
We then dropped Hlehle back at Onke’s apartment and went to Nahoon Beach for a picnic with Oupa  and Ouma. We bought some chickens at Checkers and had chicken and mayonnaise rolls. We went back to Christmas Rock and Mom and Dad dropped Jed and I at the park to play with the Christmas Rock children. We joined them at youth at the Christmas Rock church where we played games and listened to a story. I then tried out the 2nd set of drums and had a lot of fun! (My mom thinks I’m very talented!)
When youth was finished we went to Jeff and Tanya’s parents’ house for a braai. We watched Chad deClos get a gold medal for swimming butterfly at the Olympics in London. Dad made a peppermint crisp tart for pudding and it was really good!
It was quite a nice day filled with fun!


We left for George just before 8am and stopped in PE to collect a guitar from Nox. (She is Hlehle and Onke’s older sister). We stopped in Jeffery’s Bay for lunch and ran around in a small park next to the petrol station. I had my first BBM chat with Caitlin. We stopped in Plettenberg Bay for an Magnum ice-cream and then headed home for George.
We arrived in George at about 5pm and we found a ‘Happy Birthday’ poster on the gate from our friends Zian and Adine. It was quite nice of them to do that and it caught of lot of people’s eye as they were driving down the road.

Welcome Home!! What a wonderful surprise!

 It was quite nice to have 2 holidays in a year! It was quite an experience. I’ve never been in a car for that long, I can’t remember if I have.